Before we get ahead of ourselves, it’s worth asking the question, “What even is company culture?” Simply put, it’s the shared goals, values, and practices of a given organization. That’s pretty uninspiring, so let’s takes a closer look.


Picture a field if you will. The products and services your company offers are the crops in that field. Your culture is the soil. It’s what allows the crops to grow and what ultimately determines the health and growth of anything planted in the field. So how do we enrich our soil, or how do we improve our company culture?


We’re going to take a quick look at three simple ways to do so.

1. Passion

The work you do matters, and any successful business is born out the meeting point of two elements. What you love and what you’re good at. 

How does this translate to company culture? Do work that you love and hire people who love the work you do. Putting passion at the heart of your organization’s professional pursuits helps create a positive work culture that motivates and encourages employees to perform at peak levels.


2. Communication

Internal communication is just as important, if not more so, than your external communication. Creating a culture of open communication within the office encourages individuals to speak up when they’re unsatisfied, allowing leadership to address concerns rather than force the company to scramble and replace employees. An “open desk policy” demonstrates that employee opinions are valued.

When it comes to external communication, that should be reflective of the values of your brand. For example, if you order custom printed shirts for an event or promotional giveaway, think a step beyond just your company’s logo or slogan. How can you incorporate your values into that apparel? It’s essential to communicate clearly to your employees and your customers what is important to you.


3. Clear and Timely Feedback

Employees crave positive and constructive feedback, and simply implementing annual reviews isn’t making feedback a priority. Most employees find them ineffective: one-third describe their performance reviews as unhelpful. Encourage managers to incorporate more regular feedback sessions into their team dynamic so feedback is timely, and employees can act on it. Additionally, ask for feedback from employees more often. If you launch a new initiative or implement new software, ask your team their thoughts shortly afterward. Doing so will ensure that the decisions you make benefit your company culture and make employees feel valued by their employer. 

Regardless of where you’re starting, it’s important to remember that you can improve company culture. Ensure you have the full support of your leadership team, HR department, and employees. If you don’t, the changes you make won’t stick and may drive people away. Think seriously about what your team members value and what your company goals are.


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